A sustainable farmyard solution for the processing of liquid residues containing residues of crop protection products.

A sustainable solution on the farmyard for processing liquid residues containing residues of crop protection products, is Remdry.
If preventive measures are not taken, residues of crop protection products on the farmyard can account for more than 50% of the total pollution of surface water. Water is an important theme on the agenda of the Belgian and Dutch governments.
It is therefore necessary to avoid contaminating the surface water with residual liquids.
How Remdry works?
- RemDry consists of an octagonal steel tank with a transparent roof and with peripheral openings
- Easy to install without fixing to a concrete surface
- Can hold up to 2500 litres of waste liquid
- Sunlight and wind evaporate the water, residues of CPP’s are left behind as dry precipitation on the internal liner
- The liner is collected for safe disposal for waste disposal, only when a high volume of dry precipitation is present